LAUFEN Bathroom Culture since 1892 Швейцарский дизайнер Питер Вирц совместно с дизайнерским бюро, Vetica, разработал коллекцию для ванной комнаты, производственный процесс при создании которого максимально оптимизирован.
Home | LAUFEN Bathrooms Slim, light and bold – LAUFEN pro S is the new member of the successful LAUFEN pro series. Thanks to the delicate ...
laufen pro s - DESIGN LINES | LAUFEN Bathrooms LAUFEN pro S is the new member of the successful LAUFEN pro series. Thanks to the delicate redesign, the elegant ...
laufen pro "LAUFEN pro is a comprehensive bathroom range, which offers the ideal solution for every spatial situation and ...
LAUFEN PRO RIMLESS WC | LAUFEN Bathrooms The bowl of the new LAUFEN pro rimless WC has no rim. There's no longer anywhere for dirt and deposits to hide; ...
DESIGN LINES | LAUFEN Bathrooms KARTELL BY LAUFEN ... Democratic design: "LAUFEN pro applies the design principle less is more: elegant, functional ...
laufen pro - LAUFEN Bathroom Culture since 1892 "LAUFEN pro is a comprehensive bathroom range, which offers the ideal solution for every spatial situation and ...
HOME | LAUFEN Bathrooms Slim, light and bold – LAUFEN pro S is the new member of the successful LAUFEN pro series. Thanks to the delicate ...
LB3 | LAUFEN Bathrooms Slim, light and bold LAUFEN pro S is the new member of the successful LAUFEN pro series. Thanks to the delicate ...
laufen pro Slim, light and bold – LAUFEN pro S is the new member of the successful LAUFEN pro series. Thanks to the delicate ...